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We currently offer a menu of processing services for chicken, turkey and rabbit. Our processing days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We do not currently process waterfowl. Parted processing of packaged legs, wings, thighs, and breasts coming soon!



Please note:
We have a 10 bird minimum


(max 60 per day)

  • 1-40 Broiler Chickens (Cornish Cross/colored broilers): $14.50/each

  • 41-99 Broiler Chickens (Cornish Cross/colored broilers): $10.50/each

  • 100+ Broiler Chickens (Cornish Cross/colored broilers): $9.50/each

  • Broiler Chickens over 5 lb dressed: $1 extra per lb

  • Heritage Chickens/Roosters/Spent Hens: $13/each



(max 25 broad breasted / 30 heritage per day)

  • Up to 18 lb: $24/each

  • 19 lb – 29 lb: $32/each

  • Turkeys over 30 lb: $1.50/lb



  • $15/each

  • Hides $2/each extra (raw, not tanned)



  • Heart, Liver, Gizzards (*we do not clean gizzards), Feet and Neck: $3.50/lb


Animals are heat shrink-wrapped individually. Giblets are packaged in bulk, separately (all hearts together, etc).



Each bag comes with a label and includes the date processed, the weight of the product, safe handling instructions, Exempted P.L. 90-492, and Processed by: Feisty Fowl LLC, 901 Bendigo Blvd North, North Bend, WA 98045.


If you wish to sell your product you need to create a label that has the same information (safe handling instructions, Exempted P.L. 90-492, and Processed by: Feisty Fowl LLC, Address, City, State, Zip), plus your farm name and address. We use Growers Discount Labels and recommend them if you plan to sell your product:



  • Late Fee: $75/hour

  • No Show Fee: $150

  • Cancellation Fee: $50, if processing is canceled within 2 weeks of scheduled processing date

  • 50% processing rate for birds condemned after slaughter

  • Optional $5/crate cleaning fee for personal crates

  • A 4.5% service fee applies to all card transactions



We require a $50 non-refundable deposit to hold your booking date. We require that our clients place a card on file at the time of deposit, to cover any late or no-show fees.



We will do our best to process your poultry. Occasionally we run into processing issues (torn skin, pin feathers too hard to remove, etc.). Please know that we are not liable for damage to your poultry and/or rabbits that is beyond our control.


Before drop off:

Please withhold all feed by noon the day before processing. Allow continued access to water.


Drop off:

Your chickens must be crated and brought to our farm by 8:00 AM the day of slaughter. Late fees will apply.

Pick Up:

Birds will be ready for pick up in the late afternoon. Timing will depend on our processing schedule. You will receive a call when we are finishing up your processing, and we will do our best to give you a best estimate and keep you informed. Please bring clean coolers or other suitable containers for your product. Don't forget ice packs to keep your product at 40° F.

Request Processing

An important note on how we do business

Here at Feisty Fowl, we're not only butchers, we're farmers too. We understand the foresight, unpredictable circumstances and anxiety that go into booking a processor for your livestock. Please be sure you have a meat processing plan locked in before purchasing your meat stock. It's never a good idea to bank on a butcher being available short notice for the exact window of time that you would like to process. We book out for the entire season several months in advance, and recommend getting in touch around February/March if you have whole season production plans.


While we do our best to serve everyone we can within our means, we are small family operation, and our availability is limited. Requesting our services does not guarantee you our availability.  In an effort to improve on the older systems of doing butcher business that came before us, we as a processor require a processing services contract and a $50 deposit to hold your booking date. We value reliability and clear expectations, and hope you do to.


How our booking process works:

When you inquire below about availability, we will return your email as soon as is possible (we're busy farmers too), and let you know if we have availability around your requested processing date. Once we've agreed on a date, we'll provide you with our booking contract, and then, an invoice for your deposit. Once both are completed and received by us, your booking is confirmed and your date is reserved. Until we've received your completed booking form and deposit, the date you are requesting is still available to other clients. We may offer/book this date to another client in the meantime, so it's prudent to complete the booking process in a timely manner if you would like to assure your date is reserved.

We'll reach out ASAP to confirm availability.

What are we pocessing for you?
Do you want your giblets?



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